- 2024-25 RISE High LCAP
- 2023-24 RISE High LCAP
- 2022-23 RISE High LCAP
- 2021-22 RISE High LCFF Budget Overview and Local Control Accountability Plan
- 2020-21 Annual Update for RISE High Local Control and Accountability Plan
- 2021 RISE High ESSER III Expenditure Plan
- 2021 RISE High ESSER III Safe Return to In-Person Instruction LEA Plan
- 2021 RISE High Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- 2020-21 RISE High Learning Continuity Plan
- 2020-21 RISE High School Plan for Student Achievement
- 2022-23 RISE High School Accountability Report Card (SARC) [English / Español]
- 2021-22 RISE High School Accountability Report Card (SARC) [English / Español]
- 2020-21 RISE High School Accountability Report Card (SARC) [English / Español]
- 2019-20 RISE High School Accountability Report Card (SARC) [English / Español]